Family Focused Ministry
According to the Bible (KJV), families are an institution that God has established. Yet, in our ever changing culture & society the focus and emphasis on families has lessened. Our society has effectively divided many a families, and in result families have failed to become what God desires them to be. Here at Highland Baptist we believe it is the role of the local new testament church to ministry to the family. From the eldest and to the youngest member we desire to minister to the needs of the family. We strive to help families in various ways. From helping parents learn how to train their children, teaching spouses how to biblically love each other, and instructing children how to honorably obey their parents.
Yet most importantly we strive for every family to know the saving power of Jesus Christ. For them to know that Jesus came to this earth of a virgin birth as 100% God and 100% Man. He came to be an example of how we ought to live and to pay our sin debt. The sin debt we owe has us in bondage and in a constant path of death. The Bible tells us that the wages of our sin is death (Romans 3:23). Yet Jesus died for our sin debt and can break the bondage and destruction of sin (Romans 5:6-21). How? By a repentance toward God and a faith/trust toward the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21).
If you have any questions concerning this subject (or other subjects) please contact us! You will find provided below various methods of contact. We look forward to serving you soon!